Encouraging a regular flow of loyal members through the doors of any venue is a significant challenge, but even harder still is retaining those members and keeping them returning and enjoying your range of services and facilities on a consistent basis.
With the continued advancement of marketing technology in point-of-sale software, the opportunities for reaching members and the avenues through which your message is delivered are ever-increasing. EDMs, SMS, your venue app, members kiosks, or more recently your integrated online ordering platform, are all avenues you can reach your members directly with promotions and personalised offers.
An all-in-one POS system that includes a robust membership & loyalty component with good digital marketing capabilities will greatly enhance your ability to deliver successful member engagement campaigns and drive member engagement. Engaging the member, creating excitement, and offering rewards are key components of a successful member engagement strategy and the more personalised your approach, the better.
Members who are rewarded with a personalised offer generated from their POS activity and other member data are more likely to redeem the offer because it appeals to them individually. With POS marketing technology, it is even possible to trigger real-time marketing whilst your member is enjoying time in your venue, by sending an offer directly to their smartphone for that extra personal touch.
SENPOS Point of Sale will be at the Australasian Gaming Expo, 9-11 August on Stand 497